Stichting Dekenaal Weerter Missie Thuisfront


A glance in the history of the Foundation Mission Homefront of the Deanery of Weert. 


The Beginning

On Thursday, January 13, 1955 Professor G. Lipperts - Professor at the time was at the Diocesan College in Weert 's title for the priest teachers – held an orientation meeting regarding the possible creation of a foundation that all mission activities would coordinate a Mission Homefront in Weert region . This topic was discussed on Saturday, April 16, 1955 with the parish priests and rectors of Weert .

The idea of ​​a "Homefront" was born out of the creation of a homefront for the troops that were sent to the Dutch East Indies. Such homefront formed a valuable link in the contact between "the boys overseas" and their family and friends in Weert. Because many missionaries had a significant number of follower in Weert the initiative for a Mission Homefront had much acclaim .



Some members of the first hour .
Above from left to right : Huub Mertens , Bert Roordink , Ms. Stef Hendrikx and Prof . Bettinger .
Below from left to right : Mathieu Meeuwis , Father Frans Coenen and Nies .


Saturday , July 12, 1956 , thru signing of a deed by notary Nijsten the final establishment of the " Foundation Mission Homefront of Weert" was a fact. The first president of the foundation was Professor G. Lipperts .

The objectives of the former Mission Homefront were both promoting the mission thought in general as maintaining contact with and practical support to over 70  missionaries from Weert.

The founders of the Mission Homefront of the Deanery of Weert - initially active in the city Weert and the parish Tungelroy - had not taken in account the existing structure of the mission committees in other parishes, which worked quite autonomously with the parish priest as president or moderator. Despite that these committees the same objectives as the Mission Homefront had, the latter did not have a coordinating role for the time being. Much deliberation and even more good will were needed to bring the parish mission committees operate on one and the same line.


ONE Mission Homefront in the area of Weert

This led to the creation of the " Foundation Mission Homefront of the Deanery of Weert " (Stichting Dekenaal Weerter Missie Thuisfront = DWMT) on November 22, 1998, in which the activities of the Spring Campaign of the Deanery and that of the Mission Homefront were bundled. 'Greater Nederweert ' (Ospel, Eind, Budschop and Nederweert-village) and the then former municipality of Stramproy joined the new Foundation and their missionaries and former missionaries (priests, brothers, and sisters world men's) were adopted by the Foundation.

Since that moment one can really speak of one Homefront of the area Weert that successfully operates.


Anniversary Celebration

On Sunday april 21, 1996, at the 40th anniversary of the Foundation Mission Homefront of Weert during a solemn Eucharistic Celebration an information column in the St. Martin's Church was consecrated, during which many missionaries were present. On that column were the names of the missionaries of the area Weert, past and present. After the creation of the Foundation Mission Homefront of the Deanery of Weert this list was updated and supplemented.

On the occasion of the 45 anniversary of the foundation Sunday, 25 november 2001, the feast of Christ the King, a brochure about the events surrounding the Mission Homefront was issued. On that Sunday there was a Eucharistic Celebration in all the parishes from the Deanery of Weert for all living and deceased missionaries.


Golden Missionhomefront

Since about a decade the practicing and retired missionaries of Weert (with Tungelroy and Swartbroek), Stramproy, Nederweert (Ospel, Eind, Budschop and Nederweert-village) and Kelpen-Oler are the target group. The Mission Homefront still counts dozens of volunteers and is very active.

On Sunday, november 26, 2006, it celebrated its 50th anniversary. The day began with a solemn Eucharistic Celebration in the city church of the Deanery Weert, St. Martinus, where Dean Hans Franken was assisted by Pastor Jan Braun of the parish St. Martinus and the missionaries: Father Johan Visser from Weert, who then already had 50 years of missionary work in Cambodia, Father Piet Cuijpers from Ospel, who manages from Rome the Salvatoriaanse missionaries all over the world, and Father Frans Mertens, who has worked for years in South Africa and Ghana and is currently living in Deurne.

During this festive High Mass the Great St. Martinus choir sang the Frauenberger Mass.

On this holiday, which was also the solemnity of Christ the King, the festive sermon was preached by Father Cuijpers.


"To Each His Mission"

At the end of the celebration Mr Pierre Kuppens, president of the Mission Homefront, offered the first copy of the wonderful commemorative book, "To Each His Mission", to Dean Franken.

Sister Perpetua ( Toos ) Op 't Root, then the oldest existing missionary, born in Boshoven, accepted this book in name on behalf of all the missionaries.

At the conclusion of this anniversary on that sunny Sunday in Weert at the reception in Society Amicitia a highlight was that the former secretary Mr Hans Kruitwagen received the decorations belonging to the Royal Honorary Member of the Order of Orange- Nassau thru the hands of the Mayor of Weert, Jacques Niederer, which was awarded to him for his thirty years as a volunteer within the municipality Weert .

The authors of "To Each His Mission", Pierre Kuppens, Henk Tillmans and Jos van de Wouw were honored by the vice president of the foundation, Henk Fuchs, for their above average work done selflessly. Their ladies were given a colorful bouquet as thanks. After the Mass  the book "To Each His Mission" was bought by many.

This book shows the connection between the events of the last fifty years, and describes the development of the church and society, from believing to the unchurching. It shows all the Popes, Bishops of Roermond and Deans of Weert between 1956 and 2006 .

The book describes the development of Catholic missionary work for half a century, especially from the perspective of the missionaries from the area of Weert.

The first chapter shows the mission in changing times, from the rich Roman Catholic life from the fifties through the turbulent sixties and seventies to the calmer waters of the century. The years of prosperity, in which simultaneously fifty missionaries from the area Weert were active everywhere in the world, are definitely over; currently less then a dozen around the world. The substantial changes in missionary work are discussed, with a vision of its future.

Chapter 2 provides an overview of the 173 priests, brothers , sisters and secular clergy who as a missionary in recent decades from the area of Weert traveled over the world .

In Chapter 3, you read about the history of the foundation, with a small portrait of all the presidents and the Deans of Weert since 1956. The richly illustrated book concludes with a very comprehensive registry, allowing the book to be quite an acquisition.


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